Business Loan Types And Expectations

About Business Loan Types And Expectations

Hey 🙂 This module is intended to show you the different types of business loans, BUT more importantly the first video lesson you'll get is on "if you need business credit established" to get a business loan/advance - This criteria has changed in the past and I put it in the very beginning so you can know what factor business credit plays in the bank vs. non-banking lenders. 

And if you ever hear something different from the rest of the loan types on business credit, the first video you are about to watch is what it is TODAY in the market. And before you go over to the first lesson...

I will also have a video later down the road getting into the fact that if you go to a "Private Lender" for a Non-Collateralized "Revenue-Based"(All revenue coming into your buziness) "Lump-Sum" Loan, the majority of the time you'll start with a "Weekly or Daily" Repayment because it's TOO HIGH RISK to go monthly unless you have stronger credit (like 750+, revenue, $50k+ per month, time in business 0 3+ years, strong balances (like strong) and more like no debt to very little of it in terms of other loans and other debt)...

But the ways that most business owners can start monthly more of the time is a Revolving business line of credit, equipment specific loan, SBA Loan, Personal/Startup Loan, Online Bank Loan/Traditional Bank Loans at your bank, etc.

So please click the green "Next Lesson" button down below to get started.

Business Funding Mastery Academy

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